Tansi, Welcome
The AAG is committed to building the skills, abilities and size of the local work force.
Founded in 2013, Atoske Action Group's mission is to increase the skills, abilities and size of the local work force within the MD of Opportunity #17, Bigstone Cree Nation, Sandy Lake, Peerless Trout First Nation, Chipewyan Lake and Wabasca-Desmarais.
Atoske is the Cree word meaning 'to work'
Atoske is:
A communication hub
A clearinghouse of community projects and ideas to help increase sharing of resources, help increase cross-organization support and to avoid duplication
A one-stop shop for information in employment, training, and educational opportunities
An explanation of these community priorities were identified by the community at an open workshop:
'Formalized' organization to carry out our mandate
Career Counselling Centre - a "one stop shop" for job seekers
Increase active support of education
Form strategic partnerships to increase training and work/entrepreneurial opportunities
Work to eliminate barriers to education, training and employment such as transportation barriers
Involve outlying communities within the region