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Our Mission
Our Vision
Our people prosper as partnerships provide meaningful training, employment and entrepreneurial opportunities and everyone has the skills and ability to access them.

Atoske is:
A communication hub
A clearinghouse of community projects and ideas to help increase sharing of resources, help increase cross-organization support and to avoid duplication
A one-stop shop for information in employment, training, and educational opportunities

Our Mandate
Develop and implement a sustainable work force development strategy that increases the skills, abilities and size of the local work force within the region, guided by the "Community Priorities", "Community Principles" and "Student Input".
We believe in the need for the entire community to actively support work force development students and education.
Our communities have the capability to work in their own backyard and need to be kept well-informed of all the possible work force opportunities and their potential.
Leadership needs to play a bigger role in leading, guiding and inspiring the people to work hard and prepare for the future.
Community priorities
'Formalized' organization to carry out our mandate
Atoske Career Counselling Centre - a "one stop shop" for people seeking information in our region
Increase active support of education
Form strategic partnerships to increase training and work/entrepreneurial opportunities
Work to eliminate barriers to education, training and employment such as transportation barriers
Involve outlying communities within the region

Atoske is the Cree word meaning "to work".
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